Dr. Kassim Tarhini, Ph.D., P.E.
Civil Engineering, Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Tarhini received his PhD from The University of Toledo, Ohio. His research encompasses the finite element analysis of highway bridges, field and laboratory testing of structures and construction materials. Dr. Tarhini has over 30 years of professional experience in consulting and academia. Dr. Tarhini served as a faculty member in the Civil Engineering Department at Valparaiso University from 1990 until 2001. Before joining the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in August 2008, Dr. Tarhini was a Senior Structural Engineer for STV Inc. (Stratford) and Gannett Fleming (New York City). He was assigned to review or perform the analysis and design of fourteen highway bridges in four states. Areas of expertise include structural analysis and design of buildings (using structural steel, reinforced concrete, and reinforced masonry), bridge engineering, soils and foundation engineering, traffic engineering, engineering mechanics, probability and statistics for civil engineers, surveying, construction material testing, forensic engineering, and the rehabilitation of existing structures. Dr. Tarhini co-authored 47 referred journal papers and 117 conference papers. Most of the papers were the results of collaboration with colleagues at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, American University of Beirut, Valparaiso University, University of Toledo, and the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
- Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
- M.S.C.E. (Structures and Foundations), University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
- B.S.C.E. MAGNA CUM LAUDE, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
Professional Licensing
- Registered Professional Engineer: Ohio (1990), Nevada (1998), and Connecticut (2003).
Courses Taught
- Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory
- Engineering Mechanics – Statics
- Mechanics of Materials
- Soil Mechanics
- Structural Analysis
- Transportation Engineering
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Senior Capstone Design team advisor
Selected Publications and Presentations
- H. Jackson and K. Tarhini. Compendium of Civil Engineering Education Strategies: Case Studies and Examples. Book published by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. June 2022.
- Szelwach, C., Sweet, K., Vermeer, P., and Tarhini, K. “A Holistic Approach to Embodied Leadership Development at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Submitted to Organizational Development Journal, Accepted for publication in May 2022.
- Sweet, K., Szelwach, C., Tarhini, K., and Vermeer, P. “An Integrative Conceptualization of Embodied Leadership in Organizations.” Paper accepted for the Organizational Behavior/Leadership Track of the Southwest Academy of Management (SWAM) 2022 Annual Meeting, Paper will be presented and included in the Proceedings of SWAM 2022. New Orleans, LA, 02-05 March 2022.
- Vermeer, P., Szelwach, C., Sweet, K., and Tarhini, K. “A Holistic Approach to Embodied Leadership Development at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.” Presented at the 2021 ISODC (International Society for Organization Development and Management) Virtual International Conference, MAY 25-27, 2021.
- Miller, T., Rogers, S., and Tarhini, K. “Assessing Reflection and Critical Thinking After a Military Leadership Development Intervention at the United States Coast Guard Academy.” Presented at the Virtual Conference of Joint Professional Military Education Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum (JSOTL) of Air University, 11 May 2021.
- Fawaz, G., Mabsout M., and Tarhini, K., “Wheel load distribution in straight and skewed concrete slab bridges stiffened with railings,” International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, November 20-22, 2019, Published in the International Journal of GEOMATE, GEOMATE International Society, Vol 19, Issue 71, July 2020, pp 256-263.
- Nasr Eddine, W., Tarhini, K. and Mabsout, M., “Influence of railing stiffness on single-span two-lane steel girder bridges,” 9th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Tokyo, Japan, November 20-22, 2019, Published in the International Journal of GEOMATE, GEOMATE International Society, Issue 73, 2020.
- Jaber, S., Mabsout, M., and Tarhini, K., “Influence of Railings Stiffness on Wheel Load Distribution in Two-Span Multi-Lane Concrete Slab Bridges.” Proceedings of The International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. The referred paper was published in the conference proceedings titled “Holistic Overview of Structural Design and Construction”, Edited by Vacanas, Danezis, Yazdani, & Singh, ISEC Press, ISBN 978-0-9960437-8-6. August 2020.
- G. Fawaz, M. Abou Nouh, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini. “Influence of Railings Stiffness on Wheel Load Distribution in three- and Four-Lane Concrete Slab bridges.” International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 16, Issue 58, June 2019, pp. 178-183.
- S. Jaber, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini. “Influence of Railings Stiffness on Wheel Load Distribution in two-span Concrete Slab Bridges.” Proceedings of the 10th International Structural Engineering & Construction Conference (ISEC-10), University of Illinois @ Chicago, 20-25 May 2019.
- E. Awwad, M. Mabsout, K. Tarhini, and H. Jackson. “Wheel Load Distribution in Four-Sided Concrete Box Culverts.” Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering. Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, Vol. 6, Issue 1, February 2019, pp 17-30.
- Mahmood, A., Najjar, S., Mabsout, M., and Tarhini, K., “Reliability of AASHTO LRFD parameters in multilane reinforced concrete slab bridges,” Journal of Bridge Structures, Assessment, Design & Construction. Vol. 15, No. 1,2. IOS Press, August 2019, pp 65-74.
- D. F. Mazurek and K. Tarhini, “Two Collapses of the Ontario & Western Railway’s Bridge at Fish’s Eddy,” Chapter 8, “Risk-based Bridge Engineering, Edited by Khaled Mahmoud, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, August 2019, pp 87-100.
- F. Darwich, K. Tarhini, and M. Mabsout, “Effect of Railing Deterioration on Load Carrying Capacity of Concrete Slab Bridges,” Journal of Bridge Structures, Assessment, Design & Construction. Vol. 15, No. 4. IOS Press, December 2019, pp 197-205.
- A. Zapalska, H. Jackson, K. Tarhini, and S. Zelmanowitz “Holistic Approach to Leadership Education: A Case Study of Undergraduate Leadership Development Program at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.” International Journal of Science & Engineering Investigations. Vol. 7, Issue 77, June 2018.
- G. Fawaz, M. Waked, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini “Influence of Railings on Wheel Load Distribution in Concrete Slab bridges.” Journal of Bridge Structures, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, June 2017, pp85-96.
- M. Abou Nouh, G. Fawaz, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini. “Influence of Railings Stiffness on Wheel Load Distribution in One- and Two-Lane Concrete Slab bridges.” GEOMATE International Society, International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 12, Issue 33, May 2017, pp. 134-138.
- A. Mahmoud, S. Najjar, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini. “Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slab bridges.” GEOMATE International Society, International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 13, Issue 36, August 2017, pp. 44-49.
- G. Fawaz, M. Waked, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini, “Influence of railings on load carrying capacity of one- and two-lane concrete slab bridges.” Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, 20-23 June 2016.
- G. Fawaz, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini, “Wheel load distribution in straight and skewed concrete slab bridges stiffened with railings.” Proceedings of the Istanbul Bridge Conference 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 August, 2016.
- M. Hajjar, S. Nuwayhid, M. Mabsout, and K. Tarhini “Wheel load distribution in continuous steel girder bridges stiffened with sidewalks and railings.” Proceedings of the Istanbul Bridge Conference 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 August, 2016.
- J. Amendolara, B. Wolhaupter, E. Bogdan, B. Johannsen, J. Kramb, H. Jackson and K. Tarhini “Coast Guard Airport Pavement Rehabilitation and Storm Water Mitigation.” ASCE Geo-Chicago 2016, Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment. August 14-18, 2016, Chicago, Illinois.
- H. Jackson, K. Tarhini, S. Zelmanowitz, and A. Zapalska “The Resilient Civil Engineer with the Changing Global Environment.” Proceedings of the 46th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, PA, October 2016.
- H. Jackson, K. Tarhini, S. Zelmanowitz, and L. Maziar. “Infusing Information Literacy into Civil Engineering Curricula.” ASEE-Northeast Section Conference, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 28- 30 April 2016.
- E. Jackson, B. Gollin, S. Zwenger, H. Moore, H. Jackson, and K. Tarhini, “Dredge Spoils Management for Sustainable Support of U.S. Coast Guard Missions.” ASEE-Northeast Section Conference, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 28- 30 April 2016.
- K. Mrakovcich, H. Jackson, I. Frommer, E. Page, K. Tarhini, and A. Waid. “Transitioning from Scholarly Teaching to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.” Presented at Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning Lilly International Conference, Bethesda, MD, 03 June 2016.
- K. Mrakovcich, H. Jackson, K. Tarhini, I. Frommer, E. Page, and A. Waid. “Using Case Studies to Enhance Students’ Learning and Critical Thinking.” Presented at Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning Lilly International Conference, Bethesda, MD, 03 June 2016.
- H. Jackson, K. Tarhini, C. Fleischmann, and E. Nakagawa. “Ethics Activities in the Civil Engineering Curriculum at the United States Coast Guard Academy.” National Academy of Engineering, February 2016. Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers: Exemplary Education Activities and Programs. Washington: National Academies Press. Also, a presentation was made at ASEE National Conference, New Orleans, LA, 28 June 2016.
- C. Symansky, H. Jackson, and K. Tarhini “Preparing Civil Engineers for Construction Project Management.” ASEE-Northeast Section Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 30 April – 02 May, 2015.
- K. Tarhini, H. Jackson, S. Zelmanowitz, and A. Zapalska “Developing Ethical Engineers at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy: Integrating Courses, Co-curriculum Activities, and a global Perspective.” ASEE-Northeast Section Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 30 April – 02 May, 2015.
- H. Jackson, C. Fleischmann, and K. Tarhini “An Approach to Improving Student Learning of Civil Engineering Concepts Using Case Studies.“ Proceedings of the 45th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, El-Paso, Texas, October 2015.
- H. Jackson and K. Tarhini. “Progressive Integration of Design Process in Civil Engineering Curriculum.” ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. Published online October 22, 2015, ASCE, ISSN 1052-3928.
Honors and Awards
- Phi Kappa Phi (Scholastic National Honor Society)
- Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society)
- Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society)
- Pi Mu Epsilon (National Honorary Mathematics Society)
- Recipient of the 1988 ASCE Zone II Daniel W. Mead Prize.
Professional Organizations
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
- ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education)
- SEM (Society for Experimental Mechanics)
- President Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers (2014-2015)