Applicant Information
Applicant's Full Name (First, MI, Last):
Date of Interview
Location and/or Type of Interview (Face to face, Video teleconference, Phone)
Please Select
Face to Face
Video Teleconference
Interviewer information
Interviewer Name:
Interviewer E-mail:
Please describe “other”:
Describe your initial impressions of the student (appearance, confidence, demeanor, interactions with family/friends, demonstration of Coast Guard core values):
Describe your impression of the student’s ability to communicate (eye contact, command of the English language, ability to express themselves, mannerisms, presence of a speech impediment):
Ice Breaker (IB):
IB 1: Tell me a little about yourself. IB 2: What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Required Questions
Summarize the applicant’s responses and your assessment of his/her responses below:*
Question 1 – What is a meaningful activity for you? Why is it meaningful? Are there any other aspects of your life where you experience a similar passion?
Question 2 – Everyone will experience success and failures in their lifetime. What would you consider is your biggest failure? What do you attribute to this failure, and how did you overcome it?
Question 3 – Why do you think you will be successful at the Coast Guard Academy, and what do you anticipate will be challenging for you as a cadet?
Question 4 – Give an example of when you worked in a team made up of members from diverse backgrounds? Whether or not you had a leadership role in this team, what observations did you make as the team worked to achieve desired goals?
Question 5 – As a leader, how did you enable your teammates to support and help you lead effectively? As a follower, what did you do that helped your leader(s) accomplish team goals?
Question 6 – What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
General Narrative Comments
Provide any other insights or observations, based on the questions you asked, to gain a better understanding of the students character, strengths and weaknesses, leadership potential, and ability to FIT at the Coast Guard Academy.
Your overall opinion of the applicant
Distinguished (Top 10%, a truly extraordinary candidate, outstanding in multiple dimensions, stands out amongst peers.) Good (Top 25%, a strong candidate about whom you are genuinely enthusiastic, possesses qualities and strengths that will contribute to and enrich the Academy.) Average (Top 50%, average candidate for the Academy applicant pool, no glaring weakness.) Fair (Bottom 50%, a candidate about whom you have reservations, someone who appears to have little to offer the Academy.) Poor (Bottom 25%, definitely do not recommend, badly deficient in some way.)
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