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Interdisciplinary Studies

Academy faculty, staff and cadets from different departments often collaborate in interdisciplinary studies, addressing various issues and problems from multiple perspectives. Interdisciplinary studies allow thinking across traditional boundaries and integrate a variety of methods and insights in the pursuit of a common task.

Four interdisciplinary initiatives currently merging fields of study at the Academy are the Professional Maritime Studies program, the Center for Arctic Study and Policy, and the Superintendent’s Council for Cyber Education and Training, and the Geospatial Intelligence Plan of Study.

Cyber Council

The Cyber Council coordinates the Coast Guard Academy’s efforts building a cyber workforce and helps ensure that graduates obtain the knowledge and skills required to serve as commissioned officers in the cyber domain.

Professional Maritime Studies

The Professional Maritime Studies program prepares cadets with professional knowledge and skills for duty as sea-going officers. As part of the Academy’s core curriculum, the program’s courses teach navigation, maritime communications, deck seamanship, and all aspects of ship handling. One of the goals of the program is to prepare cadets for the National Maritime Center-approved Master 100 Tons Near Coastal licensing examination.

Center for Arctic Study and Policy

The Academy’s Center for Arctic Study and Policy promotes academic research on Arctic policy and strategy. The Center serves as an operational think tank to focus on emerging Arctic issues as well as broadening partnerships for the advancement of safe, secure and environmentally responsible maritime activity in the Arctic.

Geospatial Intelligence

The Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Plan of Study prepares cadets to leverage geospatial information in the maritime programs and operations of the Coast Guard. Geospatial information is data with a geographic component. The Geospatial Intelligence Plan of Study includes study of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing and related technologies, and the application of these tools in missions relevant to the U.S. Coast Guard and the broader intelligence community. All cadets are eligible to complete this Plan of Study.

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