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Home / Academics / Academic Majors / Operations Research & Data Analytics

Operations Research and Data Analytics

The Operations Research and Data Analytics (ORDA) major provides graduates a background in mathematics, probability, statistics, deterministic and non-deterministic modeling, and computer programming and analysis. The primary focus is to enable our cadets to conceptualize and describe reality using the tools of mathematics and statistics, analyze possible models and solutions, use appropriate computer technology, apply these skills to specific Coast Guard problems, and effectively communicate solutions. The study of Operations Research and Data Analytics highlights the means by which mathematics and computers can be used to analyze complex problems and improve decision-making.

Areas of Concentration

While the Department of Mathematics emphasizes the practical application of mathematics to everyday problems, the critical component of the program continues to be the understanding and applications of mathematical concepts. In addition to the courses concentrating on the tools of operations research, the Department of Mathematics offers numerous other courses covering the fundamentals of mathematical reasoning and analysis. Our graduates have a strong background in computer programming and data analysis as well as experience utilizing a computer algebra system, along with other statistics, forecasting, optimization, and simulation packages. Students can delve deeper into the fundamentals of mathematical reasoning and analysis with electives in four areas of areas of concentration:

  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Computer Analysis
  • Operations Research


The resource that more than any other sets apart the Coast Guard Academy’s ORDA program is the Coast Guard itself. The capstone course results in solutions to real-world problems that are often implemented by the Coast Guard and are frequently presented to the highest levels of government. In the capstone course, each 1st class cadet (senior) puts into practice what they have learned in the classroom throughout their four-year education in operations research. The cadets work as consulting teams on projects submitted by various Coast Guard units. In addition to providing consulting benefits to the Coast Guard, these projects strengthen the connectivity between the Academy, the service, and the field of operations research.

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student-to-faculty ratio

maximum class size in ORDA program

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of ORDA majors participate in an internship

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of ORDA majors conduct research, as part of a capstone project

Featured Cadets

Rachel Kemmey
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Class of 2020

Jacob Haw
Ridgecrest, California
Class of 2020

Jeremiah Kim
South Riding, Virginia
Class of 2022

Contact Information

School of Math, Science and Humanities
Dr. Ian Frommer
Program Chair
(860) 444-8398
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