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Coast Guard Academy Registrar

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for the development of the semester class schedules, the enrollment of cadets in classes and the generation of all academic reports which relate to cadet academic records. The Registrar’s Office is also responsible for the compilation, evaluation, safe retention, safeguarding the privacy of academic records, and ensuring the appropriate use of those records, the preparation and issuance of transcripts, and certification of selected data from the records.

Additional responsibilities of the Registrar’s Office include publishing the Academic Catalog (formerly known as the Catalog of Courses) and maintaining an electronic version that is accessible via the Internet. It lists courses and their descriptions, credit value, format, and projected offering. It also includes the appropriate policies, procedures and other information deemed appropriate by the Provost and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

Course Catalogs

For previous catalogs please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Request Transcripts and Diplomas

The Registrar’s Office will provide official transcripts and replace diplomas for eligible individuals.

Complete and submit the attached form.

Complete and submit the attached form to deliver a copy of your transcript to the following destinations:

  • USCG ETQC Registrar Services to update your Direct Access Person Profile record (DA)
  • PSC-BOPS-MR to update or add into your Electronically Imaged – Personnel Data Record (EI-PDR)

Complete and submit the attached form, and $25.00 processing fee.

Document Authentication and Apostille

The USCGA does not require you to do anything to receive a diploma or transcript from the Registrar’s Office.  However, international cadets and officers seeking acceptance to graduate programs at international institutions may require certain documentation for the Academy’s credentials to be accepted or recognized in the country of origin or of the institution.  In most cases, an authentication or apostille must be provided with the Academy’s documents.

International cadets and officers seeking to attend international institutions must contact the CT Secretary of the State to obtain authentications.  Please visit Authentication of Documents and the Apostille (  You may contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance with this process.

Contact Information

U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Registrar’s Office
15 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320
(860) 444-8214
Fax: (860) 444-8216
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