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Welcome to the Coast Guard Academy

Sometimes called a “best kept secret,” the U.S. Coast Guard Academy is the only federal military service academy whose admission process does not rely on congressional nominations. Otherwise, admission requirements, selectivity, and service obligations are very similar to the other federal military academies.

Like the other military academies, the Coast Guard Academy places high priority on enrolling cadets representing every state in the union, and our territories. Admissions staff and a network of volunteers, known as “Academy Admission Partners,” recruit nationwide to ensure opportunities are extended to well-qualified high school graduates.

As a result, we welcome the opportunity to participate in congressionally sponsored service academy events, and strive to fulfill every request. In a given year, the Coast Guard Academy attends over 100 such events.

The Coast Guard Academy is located in New London, Connecticut, along the shoreline close to the Rhode Island border. One quarter the size of the Department of Defense service academies, total enrollment is about 1,000 cadets.

Requesting Event Representation

Please submit the online form to request a Coast Guard Academy Admissions representative at your event.

You should expect prompt follow up from the Admission Officer responsible for recruiting students in your state.


Coast Guard Representation
About CGA
About the Coast Guard Academy
Coast Guard Roles and Missions
congressional staff
0 %
CGA applicants who also apply to another federal service academy
Cadets appointed each year
States represented in the Corps of Cadets
0 %
CGA participation rate at congressional service academy events

Contact Information

LCDR John Giovanni
Associate Director of Admissions for Recruiting
Phone: (860) 701-6783
Cell: (610) 952-5753
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