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Taylor Lynch

Madison, Indiana Major: Mechanical Engineering

2/c Taylor Lynch

When I would go golfing with my grandfather, he often wore his Korean War Veteran hat. Seeing him wear it always made me very proud to be his granddaughter, so when I started to become interested in serving in the military, I’d like to think that both my grandfather and uncle (enlisted Navy) instilled inspiration in me. My family, with everything I have done in life, was extremely supportive. My mom especially was with me through every step of the application process, the first person I hugged when I completed the AIM program, and the one who sat right next to me when I signed the paper that confirmed my decision to come to USCGA.

I remember I applied to the AIM program on a whim because I saw that they were the only service academy that was doing an in-person summer program in 2021. I was already signed up to do the Naval Academy, West Point, and Air Force Academy’s summer programs. I had no intention of coming to CGA, but I thought it would be a good experience and preparation to go through AIM. And then I proceeded to go through the most difficult and rewarding six days of my life. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, yet I could not stop reflecting on all the lessons and amazing people I learned from. I loved how it always pushed you to your fullest potential. And so, I went on a walk with my mom, about a week removed from AIM and I decided that even though I cried three out of those six days (which is somewhat comical looking back on now) I really wouldn’t want to be anywhere else surrounded by such amazing and inspiring people all looking to do the same thing: help people and save lives.

Something that I say about the Academy is that every day here is tough but it’s also hard to have a bad day when surrounded by people that care about your well-being and growth as a person. You are surrounded by people who are going through the exact same trials and tribulations you are, so you’re never alone in anything you do at the Academy. I really enjoy getting to play basketball here as well. I feel so fortunate that I get to grow as an athlete, an engineer, and a future officer all in one place every single day. I am not sure where else you could get an experience quite like this one.

If you’re thinking of applying, always bet on yourself and trust and lean on those around you. Whether you think you have a good shot of getting into the Academy or not, never count yourself out, and turn to the people around you for help. I wish I would have done that more and not saved that life lesson to be crammed into my first week at the Academy. As I said, it was the easiest decision I ever made and looking back it was the best one too. The Academy will challenge you in more ways than you can think but it will bring out the absolute best in you too. Plus, you’ll meet your best friends for life here. I know I sure have.

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