The wait is over for 1/c cadets at the Academy. It’s Billet Night!
One of the defining moments in a cadet’s career, Billet Night is the unveiling of a cadet’s first assignment as a Coast Guard officer. Months prior to this ceremony, cadets submit their “dream sheet” of billets, hoping to get their top choice. As cadets approach the stage and receive their envelopes containing their assignments, their energy is electric and comradery undeniable.
“You may now open your billets!”
Whether it’s a Coast Guard cutter, sector or flight school, the billets are opened and cadets cheer as they discover their post-graduation assignments while their classmates erupt with applause.
A dream come true for 1/c Karagan Bulger who received her billet to Naval Flight Training in Pensacola, Florida.
“I feel so lucky and grateful to have this opportunity and I could not have gotten to this point without my parents, sisters, friends, and my entire family!! Both my mom and dad were enlisted in the Coast Guard and are my biggest motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward!! Special shoutout to Air Station Savannah for showing me first-hand this summer what the aviation community is like,” said Bulger, who has been working towards this goal since high school.
To live in Alaska has been on 1/c Cheyenne Waters’s bucket list, and that’s where she’ll be headed after graduation, stationed on Coast Guard Cutter JOHN WITHERSPOON in Kodiak.
“I am so excited! This was my first choice! The Fast Response Cutters are not commissioned yet. There are three of them that are going to be stationed in Kodiak. We will have the opportunity to do the sea trials with the boats! It feels like it’s been a long time since Swearing-In Day. I’m very excited to enter the next phase of my career and life,” said Waters.