All the 3/c are talking about which cadre they want to be now that cadre summer is slowly approaching. Whether they want to be the cadre who scream their heads off in Chase Hall at Swabs, or waterfront cadre who get to sail around all day, or AIM cadre who get to boss around a bunch of juniors in high school, but no one mentions being Eagle cadre. I personally don’t know which cadre I want to be but I feel the need to hype up Eagle for future cadets by sharing my experience with sailing on it this summer for 5 weeks.
To start this off, you legitimately feel like a pirate, by climbing up the rigging to the top of the masts, furling and letting down the sails, and preparing meals for all your shipmates on board. Some of the coolest things I saw: dolphins doing flying barrel rolls off the wake of our ship, climbing 200 feet up in the air and watching the sunset, and passing by huge oil rigs and giant cargo ships. There is a bunch of other stuff I am probably leaving out but Eagle opens opportunities to see and do things you have never seen or done before. It is also the first place where I had a bunch of interaction with enlisted people. I enjoyed listening to all the sick sea stories the crew had for us and learning practical lessons like how to plug a hole, how to fight a fire on board, and how to use damage control equipment. Overall an awesome experience that barely anyone else in the world gets the chance to have.