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Home / Class of 2022 Billet Night

Class of 2022 Billet Night

Stefanie Senkow | March 14, 2022

Class of 2022 Billet NightNEW LONDON, Conn – The wait is over for the Class of 2022. Billet Night officially commenced and now excited first class cadets are eagerly planning their first assignments.

One of the defining moments in a cadet’s career, Billet Night is the unveiling of a cadet’s first assignment as a Coast Guard officer, post-graduation. Months prior to this ceremony, cadets submit their “dream sheet” of billets, hoping to get one of their top choices.

“We had a lot more unit representatives on hand to celebrate with the Class of 2022 this year and present unit ballcaps to the future ensigns as they walked off the stage,” said LT Bradley Brown, Billet Night Project Officer about last Thursday’s event.

As one group of cadets at a time approached the stage and received their envelopes, their energy was electric and comradery undeniable. And whether it was a Coast Guard cutter, sector or flight school, the cadets cheered as they discovered their post-graduation assignments.

First Class Cadet Betsy Carter received her dream billet—Newport, Rhode Island on the USCGC Sycamore.

“I anticipated getting a billet much lower on my dream sheet, so this was a pleasant surprise. I told my family to expect Alaska, and here I am moving to the next state over! The anticipation for Billet Night was a mix of nerves and excitement, with so many lifelong goals and dreams on the line,” said Carter.

First Class Cadet Brian Golliher recalls the suspense of the night.

“The whole time, I got to be in prayer, thanking God for how he has placed each of these people and will continue to hold them in his hands. It was a sweet opportunity to trust in God’s loving faithfulness. I ended up receiving orders to Basic Flight school with some wonderful friends,” said Golliher.

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