Hello readers! I write this on more of a bittersweet note. I have successfully completed my final cross country season, after eight years of running the sport. When I look back at those four seasons at the Academy, and consider everything that has happened, I smile fondly. I can remember trying to be recruited from high school, and my times did not quite make the cut. I still tried out for the team, and four years later I am team captain. I can confidently say that being team captain will always hold a special place in my heart, over any sort of command or leadership within the barracks. Fall in New England will always mean 6ks at Harkness Park, cider mill runs to Clyde’s, and long runs through orange, red, and yellow leaves. My mother came up to watch one of my final races, and it was heartwarming to hear her stories and traditions from running on the team almost 30 years ago. This sport has always meant more to me than anything, and I accredit it with getting me through some of the hardest times at the Academy. For whoever is reading this, and may be interested in the team, please consider it. This sport has given me some of my best friends here, and we are a family.
Although cross country season is over, there is still work to do with Track and Field! I am beyond excited to hit the ground running for the indoor season and wrap up my running career at the Academy before commissioning. It is absolutely insane to think this is the final stretch. Even looking back on some of my older blogs bring back many memories of times long past. My days at the Academy are numbered, as I am often reminded by the countdown I keep on my whiteboard. It has become a sort of well -known thing around here, seeing as I live in a very congested passageway. Apparently, some of the Company Officers have taken a liking to my countdown as well, and continuously talk about their excitement for graduation (184 days!).
I know these final months will fly by, and I am trying my hardest to keep focused, get work done, and focus on my memories here while they still last. I don’t anticipate writing another blog before Thanksgiving and Christmas, so in the meantime, Happy Holidays, and good luck to all those applying early action! Please reach out if you have any questions!!