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Layla Ernst: Pre-AIM Interview

Layla Ernst | July 26, 2023

Layla Ernst

What interests you about the Academy and what made you apply to AIM?

I have known for a while that I want to become an officer in the military.  I am working through applying to the service academies and wanted to see what the Coast Guard has to offer. I wish to learn what branch would be the best fit for me and which academy route is the best fit; I understand that Coast Guard has the most realistic experience.

What is the #1 thing you’ve done to prepare for AIM so far?

The number one thing that I have done to prepare for AIM so far is going to the gym and practicing my run every day.

What would you like your fellow AIMsters to know about you?

I enjoy getting to know new people better. I love reading and talking about my hobbies with other people.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to learning more about the Coast Guard and the structure of the Academy. I also look forward to making new friends and experiencing what it is like to be a Coast Guard cadet.

What do your peers think about your service academy aspirations?

Most of my peers don’t think too much about my service academy aspirations. They say it’s cool, but I don’t think they really understand what it is. Once I explain it, they are grateful that I want to serve my country.

About Layla

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