What are your expectations going into AIM?
A realistic program where I am fully immersed in life as a cadet. AIM has the reputation of either “blowing you into the Coast Guard life” or “blowing you out.” I expect to be pushed to my limit with new challenges. While at AIM, I hope to confirm that I am the right fit for the Academy, and the Academy is the right fit for me.
How have you prepared?
I first printed a copy of the physical fitness exam (PFE) guidelines, hung them on my wall, and set goals. I work daily at the gym to achieve these goals. I also visited USCGA and spoke to cadets about their experiences at AIM. From there, I went to admissions events across my state to learn more about the Academy and spoke with my admissions officer. Lastly, I prepared myself by packing my bag, and I am ready to face the new challenges thrown at me.
What are you most looking forward to?
Surrounding myself with other like-minded individuals who are as driven as I am, with a passion to serve their country and community. By working with other AIMsters, I hope to take my 110% effort and drive to 120%. I see AIM as a special opportunity to test drive the Academy. I want to be as prepared as possible going into my USCGA application.
Any hesitations?
Nothing but excitement when I think about AIM. As tempting as it may be to get caught up in the “What ifs” and “I can’ts,” I am staying positive. I am so excited for this opportunity, and I am ready for the challenges that will ensue.
How has your family supported you?
My parents have taken me to visit all the service academies. My family supports my goals to enter the military. I come from a military family and have been raised with a good moral compass. With military members in each branch, I have learned about the importance of each.
What do you want to work on during AIM?
I am the leader in many organizations in my school. But I am actually looking forward to being directed what to do and learn from the leadership of others. During AIM I hope to improve and build on my following skills. By following, I hope to recognize the leadership skills of others and work toward becoming a stronger leader. I won’t ask someone to do something unless I have done it before. As a follower at AIM, I hope to improve myself and do what I have not done before.
I am hoping to meet some other track and field athletes like myself, and see the amazing facilities the Academy has to offer.