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Megan Doubrava: Pre-AIM Interview

Megan Doubrava | March 21, 2023

Megan DoubravaWhat are your expectations going into AIM?

New challenges to overcome. Since AIM will be a challenging week, it will help me grow and decide if I am ready to be a cadet at the Coast Guard Academy.

How have you prepared?

Running and strength training. I combine this training with my daily swimming practices. Also, to ensure my body will be ready for the humidity I have increased my water intake greatly.

What are you most looking forward to?

Meeting future cadets and working with them as part of a team. I am extremely excited to possibly meet some of the swim team.

Any hesitations?

I am slightly worried about the heat and humidity combination because I am from the dry state of Colorado.

How has your family supported you?

They are supporting me all the way. Both sides of my family are from long lines of military participation. My dad has helped me train for AIM week; he would wake up early mornings with me and run while also helping me with strength training. My mom has helped support me through constant encouragement.

What do you want to work on during AIM?

Improve my grit. I hope to grow physically and mentally stronger to become a better person and athlete. I want to be confident and able to overcome any obstacle that comes my way and be someone others can count on.

About Megan

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