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Moving Towards Accreditation: Cyber Systems

Stefanie Senkow | May 8, 2023

Moving Towards Accreditation: Cyber SystemsIt’s an exciting time for the Cyber Systems major at the Academy. This summer, the major is looking to earn accreditation by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET). After completing a readiness review, submitting a self-study, and hosting the ABET Visiting Team on campus last fall, the Academy’s Cyber major received much acclaim.

“The ABET Team praised our faculty, resources, and plan of study and had zero shortcomings which is almost unheard of for an initial accreditation visit,” said Dr. Paul Crilly, Electrical Engineering and Computing Department Head and Cyber Systems Program Chair.

Twenty Ensigns will graduate this month and report to the fleet and the C5I (Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Cyber and Intelligence community) for their first assignments. First Class Cadet (1/C) Natasha Muirhead will report to the USCGC JAMES, a National Security Cutter homeported in Charleston, SC. Her Cyber degree will allow her to pursue opportunities relating to the cyber, intelligence, information systems, and policy career paths. The National Security Cutter is the newest and one of the largest ships in the fleet, capable of world-wide operations.

“When I first applied to the Academy, I chose the Cyber Systems major because I wanted to pursue a technical degree in a rapidly evolving field. Of the majors offered at the Academy, Cyber provides the most diverse range of classes and topics as we take management, government, and engineering courses. While at the Academy, I have appreciated the opportunity to explore the vast applicability of the major across career fields through the required coursework and interdisciplinary major area electives,” said Muirhead.

The final vote on granting accreditation to Cyber Systems will be during this July’s ABET Commission meeting.

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