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Home / ORCA, Not the Whale

ORCA, Not the Whale

Jill Friedman

Time flies when you’re having fun…or really busy. I always forget how that saying goes. The school year has quickly ramped up and I can’t believe we’re at midterms and selecting classes for next semester. I’m an Operations Research and Computer Analysis (ORCA) major, which is applied math. I just started my in major classes, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra, and so far I love the major. The focus of the major is using math and logic to solve problems. I was that kid in high school that was asking the teacher when we would ever need to know this in ‘real life.’ Thankfully, I don’t have that question anymore because the teachers relate what we’re learning in class to what we’ll do in the fleet as officers or civilians once we transition out of the Coast Guard. I look forward to getting even more in depth with ORCA next semester when I take Differential Equations, Linear Optimization, and Discrete Mathematics.

Outside of the classroom, rugby season is in full swing. As I write this, the women’s team is four games into the season, 4-0, have four consecutive shut outs, and are 14th in the nation. We may only be a club sport but beyond our sport we’re tight knit and take care of each other on and off the pitch. I mention rugby because while cadets are required to play sports two of the three seasons each year and can fulfill this obligation through playing intercompany sports. Many play varsity or club sports because they supply an oasis from the monotony and grind of Chase Hall. Teammates provide an additional outlet and support system inside Chases Hall. When considering the Academy, I recommend looking into a sport, club or varsity, whether you’ve played the sport before or not, it offers a support system, break from the day, and a another family.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

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