Kyle Young, M.S., Commander, USCG
CDR Kyle Young received his bachelor’s degree and commission from the Coast Guard Academy in 2002. He has served numerous Coast Guard operational tours, including as an engineer and diver onboard the Polar Icebreaker CGC POLAR STAR (WAGB-10), and as a Search and Rescue helicopter pilot, maintenance test pilot, and instructor pilot at Coast Guard Air Stations San Francisco, CA and Traverse City, MI. CDR Young is a graduate of Navy Dive School and Navy Flight School, and is a designated Coast Guard Aeronautical Engineer. He holds FAA pilot certifications as a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) operator, a fixed wing Commercial Pilot with instrument rating, and a helicopter Airline Transport Pilot. In 2018 CDR Young was selected to the Coast Guard Academy’s Permanent Commissioned Teaching Staff (PCTS), and he is currently working towards a PhD in Biological and Environmental Science at the University of Rhode Island where he conducts research in hydrology and groundwater dynamics. CDR Young enjoys spending time with his family, dancing with his wife, playing the piano and drums, biking, surfing, and being outdoors.
- M.S. in Earth Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz (2016)
- M.S. in Environmental Policy and Management, American Public University (2014)
- Navy Flight School, Naval Air Station Whiting Field (2006)
- Navy Dive School, Navy Dive and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC), Panama City, FL (2003)
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, U.S. Coast Guard Academy (2002)
Courses Taught
- Physics I
- Physics II
- Intro to Computing (I2C)
- Private Pilot Ground School
Selected Publications
- Beganskas, S., Young, K. S., Fisher, A. T., Harmon, R., & Lozano, S. (2019). Runoff modeling of a coastal basin to assess variations in response to shifting climate and land use: Implications for managed recharge. Water Resources Management, 33(5), 1683-1698.
- Young, K.S. (2016). A high-resolution, regional-scale analysis of stormwater runoff in the San Lorenzo River Basin for Managed Aquifer Recharge decision making. (Master’s thesis). University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.
- Young, K. S. (2013). An environmental economic analysis of social discounting. (Master’s capstone thesis). American Public University, Charles Town, WV.
- Young, K. S. (2002). The Alternate Immersion Corrosion Chamber (AICC). Coast Guard Systems Times, Spring 2002, 32-34.
Selected Presentations
- Young, K. S. (2018, February). Wandering Waters: Analyzing the spatial and temporal dynamics of hillslope runoff under varying land use and uncertain climate conditions. Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Scholarship Seminar. U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT. Center for Advanced Studies Fellow, 22 February 2018.
- Young, K. S., Beganskas, S., & Fisher, A. T. (2017, December). Towards an improved understanding of hillslope runoff as a supply for groundwater recharge: Assessing hillslope runoff under regional deforestation and varying climate conditions in a drainage basin in central coastal California. American Geophysical Union Conference, New Orleans, LA, 15 December 2017.
- Young, K. S. (2017, April). Catching Water in the West: An analysis of runoff availability for groundwater recharge in Coastal California. Science seminar at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT. Robert T. Alexander Visiting Fellow, 06 April 2017.
- Young, K. S., Fisher, A. T., Beganskas, S. R., Teo, E. K., Weir, W., Lozano, S., & Harmon, R. E. (2016, December). A high-resolution, regional analysis of stormwater runoff for managed aquifer recharge site assessment. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA, 16 December 2016.
- Young, K. S., Beganskas, S. R., Fisher, A. T., Harmon, R. E., Teo, E. K., Weir, W., & Lozano, S. (2015, December). Constructing a hydrologic model to quantify runoff at the sub-watershed scale for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) suitability analysis. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA, 15 December 2015.
- CGA Center for Academic Studies (CAS) Summer Research Fellowship (2017)
- Distinguished Thesis, selected to the “Library of Great Student Capstone Papers and Projects”, American Public University (2013)
- Commodore’s List Awards (2), distinguished graduate from Navy Advanced Flight Training (2006) and Primary Flight Training (2005)
- Schonland Award, distinguished graduate from Navy Surface Warfare DCA School (2003)
- Margaret Chase Smith Award for highest overall academic, military, and athletic rating at CGA (2002)
- Captain Charles A. McAllister Memorial Award for highest proficiency in all engineering subjects at CGA (2002)
- Mechanical Engineering Award for highest proficiency in Mechanical Engineering at CGA (2002)
- EAGLE Award for highest proficiency in Nautical Science (2002)
- CGA Alumni Association’s 2001 Undergraduate Award, for highest GPA at the end of 2/c year (2001)
- Admiral Loy’s 2000 Commandant’s Undergraduate Award, for highest GPA at the end of 3/c year (2000)
- Chief Petty Officer Association’s Proficiency in Navigation Award for highest proficiency in Nautical Science I and II (2000)
- Military awards include: Commendation Medal, Achievement Medal (2), Letter of Commendation (4), Expert Pistol Marksmanship Medal, Antarctic Service Medal, Arctic Service Medal