Ian Frommer, Ph.D.
Operation Research and Data Analytics, Professor
Department of Mathematics
Professor Ian Frommer joined the Coast Guard Academy Department of Mathematics in 2005. He teaches a wide range of courses in mathematics and operations research, and is an active advisor in the senior capstone course. His research interests include nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and the application of mathematics and operations research to sustainability, music and sports. He writes a blog about operations research and sustainability, which can be found at www.greenor.org.
- Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland
- A.B., Astronomy and Astrophysics and Physics, Harvard College
Courses Taught
- Calculus
- Multivariable Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Probability and Statistics
- Linear Optimization
- Network and Nonlinear Optimization
- Probability Theory
- Advanced Calculus
- Operations Analysis
- Directed Study: Developing Leaders in Sustainability
Research Adviser for Senior Capstone Projects
- Wind Analysis for Renewable Energy Installation at the USCGA (2012, interdisciplinary with Civil Engineering)
- Minimizing USCGA Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2011)
- USCGA Light Optimization (2010)
- USCGA Hazardous Waste Tracking (2009)
- USCGA Waste Flow Optimization (2008)
- T700 Helicopter Engine Optimization (2007)
Selected Publications and Presentations
- I. Frommer, I. Karaesmen and J. Macdonald, A Practical Review of Chaos in the Beer Distribution Game, submitted.
- P. Verhagen, S. Polla, and I. Frommer, Finding Byzantine Junctions with Steiner Trees, submitted.
- I. Frommer, E. Harder, B. Hunt, R. Lance, E. Ott and J. Yorke, Bifurcation and Chaos in a Periodically Probed Computer Network, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; 19 (9): 3129–3141 (2009).
- I. Frommer, Summer Math Instructor Assignment at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Using Integer Programming, Mathematica Militaris; 17(1): 20-25 (2009).
- W.J. Hibbard, R.J. Greenwalt, Jr., T. Edmunds, and I. Frommer, Between Ports of Entry: Interdicting Radiological and Nuclear Smugglers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Technical Report, UCRL-TR-230907 (March 2007).
- I. Frommer and B. Golden, Extending the Horizons: Advances in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies, Chapter: A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Euclidean Non-Uniform Steiner Tree Problem, pages 31-48. Springer, New York (2007).
- I. Frommer, B. Golden and G. Pundoor, The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization and Decision Technologies, Chapter: Heuristic Methods for Solving Euclidean Non-Uniform Steiner Tree Problems, pages 133-148. Springer, New York (2005).
- I. Frommer, G. Pundoor, Small-Worlds: A Review of Recent Books. Networks; 41(3): 174-180 (2003).
- U.S. Coast Guard Academy Center for Advanced Studies Fellowship to conduct research on mathematically guided musical rhythm composition (2011)
- SAIC Systems/U.S. Coast Guard Academy Leadership Grant (2011). Received funding to support interdisciplinary “Developing Leaders in Sustainability” course.
- Block Grant Fellowship, Mathematics Department, University of Maryland (1999–2000)
- Invention Disclosure Award, Sony Corporation of America (1997) for “ConnecteD: Traditional Audio CD Activated by New Multimedia Content.”
Professional Memberships
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)