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Joshua Gray, Ph.D.

Professor, Department Head Chemical & Environmental Sciences

A toxicologist by training, PROF Gray’s research is focused in two areas. His primary research focus investigates the interplay of oxidative stress and metabolism in the nematode worm C. elegans model system. He is principal investigator of a National Science Foundation-funded project entitled StressCURE: A Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Toolkit for Investigating Stressors in the C. elegans Model System. PROF Gray is also the Coast Guard Academy’s subject matter expert in biological and chemical weapons. He served as Chief Scientist for the Coast Guard’s Wastewater Surveillance Program, assessing SARS-CoV-2 levels in wastewater as a means of performing surveillance at Coast Guard training centers and cutters, including the academy.

PROF Gray is actively involved in national scientific societies and organizations. A full member of the Society of Toxicology, PROF Gray currently serves as Past President (Councilor) of the Northeast Society of Toxicology and on the Editorial Committee of the ToxMSDT Learning Module Workgroup. He previously served as Chair the Awards Committee and chaired the SOT’s Learning Objectives Work Group to create the Undergraduate Toxicology Learning Framework, a resource that has been used throughout the nation. He has co-moderated several workshops throughout the northeast helping academic department create improvement plans that support evidence-based teaching practices and departmental leadership.


  • B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1998, Pennsylvania State University
  • Ph.D. Pathobiology, 2004, Pennsylvania State University

Courses Taught

  • General Chemistry 1 and 2
  • Toxicology
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology

Selected Publications

  • Hall, G.J., E.J. Page, and J.P. Gray. (2024). Wastewater Surveillance of US Coast Guard Installations and Seagoing Military Vessels to Mitigate the Risk of COVID-19 Outbreaks, March 2021-August 2022. Public Health Reports, epub ahead of print.
  • Aleksunes, L.M., J.P. Gray, J. Meshanni, J.D. Laskin, and D.L. Laskin. (2024). Repurposing FDA-approved drugs to treat chemical weapon toxicities: Interactive case studies for trainees. Pharmacol Res Perspect 12(4):31229.
  • Gray J.P. (2022). Pick Your Poison: A Semester-Long Case Study for Undergraduate Toxicology. CourseSource 9.
  • Casillas, R.P., N. Tewari-Singh, and J. P. Gray. (2021). Special issue: emerging chemical terrorism threats. Toxicol Mech Methods 31(4):239-241.
  • Neumeister, S.M. and J.P. Gray. (2021). The Strategic National Stockpile: identification, support, and acquisition of medical countermeasures for CBRN incidents. Toxicol Mech Methods 31(4):308-321.
  • Gray J.P., Curran C.P., Fitsanakis V.A., Ray S.D., Stine K.E., and Eidemiller B.J. 2019. Society of Toxicology Develops Learning Framework for Undergraduate Toxicology Courses Following the Vision and Change Core Concepts Model. Toxicol Sci. epub ahead of print. DOI:

Selected Book Chapters

  • Gray, J.P., S. Rotering, Z. Smith, M. Danai, D. Genis, S. Mahmood, and S. D. Ray. (2024) Recent clinical studies on metals and metal antagonists. In: Ray, S.D. (Ed.), Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 46th edition. Elsevier Inc.
  • Ray, S.D., M. S. D’Souza, and J. P. Gray. (2024) Analysis of ADRs, ADEs, drug interactions, toxicity and side effects of drugs in the shadow of vaccines, drug-antibody conjugates and pharmacogenomics. In: Ray, S.D. (Ed.), Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 45th edition. Elsevier Inc.
  • Gray, J.P. and S.D. Ray. (2023) Side effects of metals and metal antagonists. In: Ray, S.D. (Ed.), Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 45th edition. Elsevier Inc.
  • Gray, J.P. (2023) Cotinine. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
  • Gray, J.P. (2023) Benzo(a)pyrene. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
  • Gray, J.P. (2023) Benz[a]anthracene. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
  • Gray, J.P. (2023) 2-Acetylaminofluorine. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
  • Gray, J.P. (2023) Acceptable Daily Intake. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
  • Gray, J.P. and S.D. Ray. (2023) Society of Toxicology. In Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition vol 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.

Professional Affiliations

  • Society of Toxicology – Full Member (1999-present)
  • National Association of Biology Teachers (2019-present)
  • Member of the MBL Society of the Marine Biological Laboratory

Professional Honors and Awards

  • Civilian Employee of the Year (senior level) – U.S. Coast Guard Academy (2022)
  • Captain Niels P. Thomsen Innovation Award, Honorable Mention, Science or Technology – U.S. Coast Guard (2021)
  • Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal – U.S. Coast Guard Academy (2021)
  • Civilian Employee of the Quarter – U.S. Coast Guard Academy (2021)
  • Society of Toxicology – Undergraduate Educator Award (2018)

Contact Information

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