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Hector Lizardo Moronta

Dominican Republic
Major: Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Sports: Soccer Club, Volleyball Club, Basketball Club, Field Hockey Club
Clubs: Yoga Club

Hector Lizardo MorontaThe Coast Guard Academy has enabled me to learn and grow as a leader. The program is designed to challenge you both intellectually and militarily. I have been given leadership opportunities throughout the academic year as well as during my summer training programs. For the last three summers, I’ve sailed aboard the USCGC EAGLE, where I led a mast and later an entire division. We sailed to multiple countries that I had never traveled to before including Iceland, Portugal (Azores and Madeira), Bermuda, Sweden, and Denmark. During my first year at the Academy, I learned the value of connecting with people who had more experience and using them as mentors. The Academy provides many resources to help you, but you must also learn how to seek help when needed. I have had many mentors during my time here and they all have helped me overcome challenging situations.

If you’re thinking of attending the Academy, be confident in yourself – you’re more prepared and ready than you think. It does not matter where you come from, all cadets undergo an adaptation process after arriving and everyone’s process will be different. The Academy ensures an environment that will assist you with and accelerate this adjustment process; it is just a matter of you being willing to learn and adapt to be successful in your academic work and military studies.

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