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Home / Admissions / Academy Admissions Partners / Steps to Becoming an Academy Admissions Partner

Steps to Becoming an Academy Admissions Partner


Determine your association with the U.S. Coast Guard Academy: alumni, active duty, parent/guardian of cadet or graduate, and/or USCG Auxiliary*.


Complete and submit the online registration request.


Await email or phone contact from Admissions staff regarding the successful submission of your registration request and status of your application. (In some cases, we have enough volunteers in a geographical market and are wait-listing additional Academy Admissions Partners.)


Complete a basic background check. (Information/forms are provided by Admissions.)


Complete the Academy Admissions Partner training module.


Complete Academy Admissions Partner immersion training at the Coast Guard Academy within three years of becoming an Academy Admissions Partner. Immersion training may be waived or substituted by participating in online training, off-site training, or by participating in other Academy programs, such as Academy Introduction Mission (AIM).


Once you become an Academy Admissions Partner, update your profile annually and let us know if you would like to continue the following year as an active partner.

* USCG Auxiliary applicants must be in Basically Qualified (BQ) status and must have completed and be current with all Auxiliary Mandated Training requirements, to be considered.

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