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Home / Academics / Academic Majors / Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

The Academy’s Civil Engineering program has a long, proud tradition of preparing civil engineers who are knowledgeable and skilled in the areas of structural, construction, environmental, and geotechnical engineering.

  • Encompassing many disciplines, Civil Engineering offers a challenging career to individuals with a wide variety of interests
  • In the senior-level capstone course, students design a complete civil engineering system directly related to a Coast Guard problem
  • The Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Areas of Study

The Civil Engineering program provides a solid background in mathematics and engineering sciences, as well as in-depth study in structural analysis; environmental, water resources, construction, and geotechnical engineering.


The Civil Engineering major is a highly experiential program that makes use of a wide array of professional resources – from industry standards such as Tinius Olsen machines and concrete cylinder testers, to the most relevant civil engineering technologies. The Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty partners with many commercial and federal entities to enrich the educational experience of cadets.

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Engineer Research and Development Center
  • Mystic Seaport
  • Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers
  • Engineers without Borders
  • Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Civil Engineers rank near the top of two lists: Undergrads who are most satisfied and least underemployed
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The Academy graduates 20 to 35 Civil Engineers each year
After just 2 years of active duty, officers can apply for civil engineering graduate school
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of Millions – the annual monetary value of projects managed by CG civil engineers

Featured Cadets

Landon Klopfenstein

Landon Klopfenstein
Oviedo, FL
Class of 2019

Marquis Stewart

Marquis Stewart
Baltimore, MD
Class of 2020

Jillian Stuckey

Jillian Stuckey
Glen Allen, VA
Class of 2020

Featured Graduates


Tyler Wyndham Ashner
Class of 2009
Major: Civil Engineering

Kyle Ensley

Kyle Ensley
Class of 2006
Major: Civil Engineering
M.S. Civil Engineering,
University of Illinois

Chanel Lee

Chanel Lee
Class of 2009
Major: Civil Engineering

Contact Information

School of Engineering and Cyber Systems
Dr. Kassim Tarhini
Program Chair
(860) 701-6562
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