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Home / Academics / Academic Majors / Civil Engineering / Civil Engineering Featured Graduate: Chanel Lee

Chanel Lee

Class of 2009 B.S. Civil Engineering
Chanel was determined to chase her dreams first with studying Civil Engineering at the Academy, then with a pursuing a career in Cost Guard aviation. As such, she has had the opportunity to save a few lives along the way.

On choosing Civil Engineering

“I chose my course of study because a wise professor explained to me that “engineers look at the world through a different lens.” I really wanted to experience this unique perspective. I have used these lessons extensively as the Aeronautical Engineering Officer (EO) at Sector San Diego. Without a CE background I don’t know if I would be as effective an EO.”

On the dedicated faculty

“I quickly realized that the CE faculty was best suited for me. They spent many long hours helping students through academic lessons and life problems. I remember having extra study sessions with them on Sunday nights, which I don’t think is the case in other colleges. They also pushed me to take harder classes and push myself. It was difficult to be a student in CE but worth every bit.”

Favorite quote

James 2.20 “But wilt thou know, that faith without works is dead?”
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