Cyber Systems Curriculum
The curriculum for the Cyber Systems major is based on the Coast Guard’s commitment to develop a workforce capable of meeting the most complex technical challenges in the cyber domain.
In the Coast Guard, cyber is a multidisciplinary, operational pursuit. The curriculum therefore delivers a strong technical cyber computing foundation. It is enriched beyond the Academy’s broad core curriculum, in engineering, management, mathematics, and the humanities – taught through a cyber systems lens.
Fourth Class Year (Freshman)
Fall Semester
- Introduction to Computing
- College Composition
- Calculus I
- Principles of Fitness and Wellness I
- Swimming
- Chemistry I
- Fundamentals of Navigation
Spring Semester
- Engineering Mechanics – Statics
- Cultural Perspectives
- American Government
- Calculus II
- Personal Defense I
- Principles of Fitness and Wellness II
- Physics I
Third Class Year (Sophomore)
Fall Semester
- Fundamentals of Information Security
- Transition to Object Oriented Programming
- Physics II
- Ships and Maritime Systems
- Introduction to Moral and Ethical Philosophy
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- Lifetime Sports I: Racquetball
- Lifetime Sports II: Golf
Spring Semester
- Computer and Communications Networks
- Digital Circuits and Computer Systems
- Discrete Mathematics
- Cyber Policy, Compliance, and Ethics
- Macroeconomic Principles
- Applications in Navigation Lab
- Professional Rescuer
Second Class Year (Junior)
Fall Semester
- Operating Systems
- Database Systems
- Introduction to Cryptography
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Probability and Statistics
- **Free Elective
Spring Semester
- Software Engineering
- Cyber Risk Management
- Information Technology in Organizations
- Maritime Watch Officer Personal Defense II
- Atmospheric and Marine Sciences
- Lifetime Sports III: Tennis
First Class Year (Senior)
Fall Semester
- Capstone Experience I
- Computer and Network Security
- Principles of Criminal Justice and Op Law
- Prof Maritime Officer Lab
- *Major Area Elective
- Physical Education Elective
- **Free Elective
Spring Semester
- Capstone Experience II
- Intelligence and Cyber Operations
- Global Studies
- Professional Maritime Officer
- *Major Area Elective
- **Free Elective