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Two Cutters, One Summer 

Gustava Drew - 2025

The Coast Guard Academy is about the school semesters and the summer training periods. After two long semesters of assignments and homework, people are anxious to go off to their summer assignments. And for a good reason, I loved my third-class summer! It was the most motivational eleven weeks of my cadet experience. Over third-class […]

On the Dunes

Mack Bucki

Hello! 3/c Mack Bucki, at your service! After a three-month-long hiatus, I have decided to make my return (not like I had a choice). Yet, my summer wasn’t spent poolside or tanning on the beach; instead, I had Coast Guard things to do. The first of those things was embarking on a five-week-long voyage on […]

A Summer Blog from the Last Frontier

Greetings from Sitka, Alaska, the most beautiful (and rainiest) place on Earth! I know it’s been a little while since my last blog, but this summer has been a whirlwind of exciting travel and new experiences. This past spring I arrived to my first unit, the great Coast Guard Cutter Douglas Munro in Kodiak, Alaska. Kodiak was […]

Whale That Was Fun! An Admissions Trip to Sitka, Alaska

Well, here I am back at the Coast Guard Academy after an amazing weekend in (you’ll never guess it) SITKA, ALASKA!! How lucky am I, right?! Well, as some of you may know I had an internship this summer through the Marine Sciences department at the Sitka Sound Science Center in Sitka, Alaska, which is […]

The Pepper Spray Test

I was on the fence about if I should do it or not; but I figured most of my classmates were doing it this summer. I wanted it over with. The Pepper Spray Test. As a Coast Guard officer, you must do it at some point to be a part of the boarding officer teams […]

Summers at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Here is an explanation of how summers work at the United States Coast Guard Academy! I have some extremely talented classmates who have made videos from our summers.

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