Professional Conferences and Affiliations
The Marine and Environmental Sciences faculty regularly participate in conferences and meetings to improve their teaching acumen, elevate their knowledge relevant to ongoing research, and maintain professional connections within the science disciplines. In some cases, cadet assisted research is presented giving cadets the opportunity to interact with science professionals and formally present their findings. The following are a sample of affiliate organizations to the Marine and Environmental Sciences major.
Industry and Science Conferences
- International Oil Spill Conference
- Gulf of Mexico Oil Science and Ecosystem Conference
- Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research
- ESRI (ArcGIS) User Conference
- AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting
- The GEOINT Symposium
- Biennial Conference on Chemical Education
- American Chemical Society – National Meeting
- Society of Toxicology
- Technical Corrosion Collaboration Conference
- Northeast Society of Toxicology
- UARCTIC Thematic Network Arctic Safety Conference
- Northeast ARC Users Group Conference
- Society for Women in Marine Science
- Intelligence Community Academic Research Symposium
- American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter
- Coast and Estuarine Research Foundation