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Engagement, Collaboration, and Partnership

Newport Arctic Scholars Initiative (NASI) Report #2

CASP participated in the 2023/24 Newport Arctic Scholar Initiative (NASI) focusing on challenges and opportunities for developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation among naval forces in order to strengthen and develop the concept of Integrated Navel Deterrence in the Arctic. A trans-Arctic team of naval officers and scholars based in Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, US, France, Japan, and UK conducted this unclassified study in-person and virtually between January 2023 and June 2024. Data collection relied heavily on focus group discussions during in-person NASI seminars and interviews with current or former civilian and military officials from participating countries, as well as experts outside government.

2024 Arctic Emerging Leaders Program AAR

From January 25 to February 1, 2024, LCDR Alex Hamel participated in the Arctic Frontiers Conference’s Emerging Leaders Program, representing the United States Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Academy’s Center for Arctic Study and Policy (CASP).

Senator Mukowski and 1/c Jake Thoenen
2023 Arctic Circle Assembly

From 19 to 21 October, 2023, 1/c Jake Thoenen, Jake Earnshaw, and Brian Green participated in the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavík, Iceland. Learn a little about the educational and professional development opportunities of participating in these forums from the cadet perspective and the value of CASP’s education and outreach activities.

2023 Arctic Emerging Leaders and organizers pose while in Norway’s Lofoton Islands
2023 Arctic Emerging Leaders Program AAR

From 27 January to 02 February 2023, LCDR Jamie Greendyk participated in the Arctic Frontiers Conference’s Emerging Leaders Program, representing the United States Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Academy’s Center for Arctic Study and Policy (CASP).

VADM Buschman, Atlantic Area Commander, participates in a panel discussion.
2020 Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders Program

From 22 to 28 January 2020, LCDR Cynthia Travers participated in the Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders 2020 Program, representing the United States Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Academy’s Center for Arctic Study and Policy (CASP).

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