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Christian Salayon - 2026

Reminiscing on my time as a swab, there is one instant I will never forget. During my time on Barque Eagle (a three-masted training ship), I was given one of the coolest opportunities and experiences of my life. For context, during our weeklong voyage from New London, CT to New York, the swabs including myself […]

Swabs and Sailing – My Cadre Summer

2/c Lauren O'Neill

Cadre Summer was a really exciting time for my class, marking the transition from being a follower and underclassman to a leader. Our summer started out with MCTC, Mid-grade Cadet Training Course, where we got to work with our cadre sections, learning about leadership theories as we developed our own leadership styles. We also had […]

Cadre Season is Coming up!

Lucas Tabit

All the 3/c are talking about which cadre they want to be now that cadre summer is slowly approaching. Whether they want to be the cadre who scream their heads off in Chase Hall at Swabs, or waterfront cadre who get to sail around all day, or AIM cadre who get to boss around a […]

Swab Summer/AIM Tips

Leah Balser

If you are reading this, you are either considering or taking part in Swab Summer or the Academy Introduction Mission (AIM). As someone who has done both, I will give you some tips to help you be successful during your time at the Academy. For starters, I would recommend drinking a lot of water. Summers […]

Ready, Set, Swab! It’s Swab Summer Time and Here’s All You Need to Know!

Grace Edmonson - 2026

If you’re one of the lucky few who have been accepted into the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, congratulations and welcome! You’re about to embark on an exciting journey that will prepare you for the best, most rewarding college experience out there. But before you can pin on those green shields and become a cadet, you […]

How to Prep for Swab Summer

Junna Castel

While Swab Summer 2020 was a different Swab Summer unlike any other, I’d like to share my insight into how I prepared for it, what I should have done differently, and what I won’t take back from the summer. I appreciated all the help and advice I got before Swab Summer– I asked too many […]

How to Prepare for Swab Summer

Hey everyone! The class of 2025 is roughly one month away from the start of Swab Summer so I thought I would share some things that I wish I knew before Day 1! As always, if you have any questions let me know in the comments.

Swab Summer & School Survival

Emma Deery

So, you’re considering attending the United States Coast Guard Academy. Step one? Swab Summer. For the sake of you and I both, I won’t get too in-depth about those 8 weeks. I highly recommend checking out other cadets’ blogs (specifically Junna Castel’s- that’s what I read in preparation for my Swab Summer!) Another great resource […]

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