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Todd Taylor, Ph.D.

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Professor
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Dr. Taylor joined the faculty of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Section of USCGA in 2001. He holds a Ph.D. in Hydrodynamics (1996) and a M.S. in Ocean Engineering (1993), both from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before USCGA, Dr. Taylor was a Research Engineer and Instructor at MIT performing computational and experimental research on marine propulsion and propulsors. His current research interests include USCG fleet propeller and powering issues and commercial vessel stability.

From 2006 to 2012, Dr. Taylor served as the Chief of the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering major. During his time at the USCGA, Dr. Taylor has also served as Associate Editor of USCGA Center for Advanced Studies, advisor of the Running Club, member of the Superintendent’s Institutional Culture and Climate Cabinet, and Chairman of the Curriculum Committee.


  • Ph.D., Hydrodynamics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996
  • M.S., Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993
  • A.B., Biochemistry, Bowdoin College, 1990

Courses Taught

  • Principles of Ship Design
  • Ship Propulsion Design
  • Ship Design and Systems Integration
  • Ships and Maritime Systems
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Dynamics
  • Laboratory in Naval Architecture
  • Applied Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
  • Advanced Study in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  • Honors Research in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  • Small Craft Design

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • Morgan, E., Bragaw, W., Bruno, S., Schock, J., Skimmons, J., Wheeler, J., and Taylor, T., “Loading Conditions for Exposed-Waters Towing Vessels Regulated Under Subchapter M,” Journal of Ship Production and Design, Volume 36, 2020.
  • Garcia, E.M.H., Corl, M.J., DeNucci, T.W., and Taylor, T.E., “Systematic Approach to ABET Criterion 4: Continuous Improvement” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Northeast 2016 Conference, April 28-30, 2016.
  • Clippinger, D.C, Garcia, E.M.H, and Taylor, T.E.,”Dynamically Induced Roll in Head Seas,” Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2012.
  • Myatt, L., B. Thomas, and T. Taylor, “Impact of Pontoon Vessel Geometry on Allowable Passenger Weight via U.S.C.G. Pontoon Simplified Stability Test,” Journal of Ship Production and Design, Volume 2, May 2010.
  • Godfrey, D., D. Pickles, C. Fleischmann, and T. Taylor, “Teaching Engineering Ethics in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment”, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA, June 2008.
  • Drake, L.A., C.M. Fleischmann, K.S. Jernquist, S.D. Ostrowski, and T.E. Taylor, “Cross-disciplinary Writing: Collaboration among Technical Disciplines and a Writing Center,” Presented at International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Austin, TX, May 2008.
  • Schock, J., and T.E. Taylor, “Improvement of Propeller Hydrodynamic Drag and Efficiency on USCG Cutters Operating in Trailshaft Mode,” Naval Engineers Journal, Volume 119, No. 3, 2007.
  • Jernquist, K., T. Taylor and D. Godfrey, “Developing an Engineering Writing Handbook – A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.
  • Taylor, T.E., Colella, K.J., and Simpson, W.M., “An Integrated Approach to a One-Semester Ship Design Experience at USCGA,” Presented at American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2006.
  • D. Godfrey, T. Taylor and K. Jernquist, “Improving the Technical Writing Skills of Engineering Majors Through an Engineering Department – Writing Center Collaboration,” Presented at 2006 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson, SC, May 2006.
  • Taylor, T.E. “Determination of Optimum Trailing Shaft Propeller Pitch on Twin-Screw Controllable Pitch Coast Guard Cutters.” Center for Advanced Studies, United States Coast Guard Academy, Report 14-04, September 2004.
  • Lied, B. and T.E. Taylor, “A Propulsion Plant Re-Design for the USCG 75’ WLR, WLIC”, Center for Advanced Studies, United States Coast Guard Academy, Report 05-04, June 2004.
  • Kerns, C. and T.E. Taylor, “A Need for Non-Lethal Port Security Techniques by the U.S. Coast Guard”, Center for Advanced Studies, United States Coast Guard Academy, Report 03-04, January 2004.
  • Kimball, R.W., Scherer, J.O., and Taylor, T.E., “Enhancements to the Design and Analysis of Waterjet Propulsors Using a Coupled Lifting-Surface/RANS Technique and Comparisons with Experiment”, to be presented at Royal Institution of Naval Architects Conference – Waterjet Propulsion III, Gothenberg, Sweden, February 2001.


  • Spirit of the Bear Award, Outstanding Leadership and Student Mentoring, 2013
  • Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation, 2005

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
  • Chairman, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (New England), 2016-2017
  • Vice-Chairman, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (New England), 2014-2016
  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Panel H-8 Member (Propulsion Hydrodynamics), 1998-present
  • Elected Member of Executive Committee, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (New England), 2002-2011, 2017-present
  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, (New England) Technical and Research Representative, 2002-2007
  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Member, 1999-present

Contact Information

Sponsor Family Application

Thank you for submitting your application to be part of the Sponsor Family Program. Your application will be processed in the upcoming week. Coast Guard Academy’s policy on background screening now requires all adults (everyone 18 and older living in the home) who volunteer to mentor, teach, coach or sponsor cadets, whether on or off Coast Guard Academy grounds, to be screened every 5 years. They are required to provide personal information (name, birth date and social security number) for the purpose of conducting a criminal background check.

The Security Officer at the Coast Guard Academy, CWO2 Gina Polkowski, is overseeing this process. Her email is:

Sponsor Family designations fall into several different categories. Below are the guidelines to help you determine how best to meet the background screening requirement:

  1. If you are Coast Guard active duty you do not need to apply for an additional Background Check. You will be vetted through the Coast Guard system by CWO2 Polkowski.
  2. If you are a Civilian working for the Coast Guard you do not need to apply for an additional Background Check. You will be vetted through the Coast Guard system by CWO2 Polkowski.
  3. If you are non-Coast Guard Active Duty, you are required to provide proof of your current security clearance or National Agency Check that is to be emailed by your Command Security Officer (CSO)/ Security Office to CWO2 Polkowski at
  4. If you are non-Coast Guard civilian who has a current security clearance or National Agency check, you are required to provide proof of your current security clearance or National Agency Check that is to be emailed by your Command Security Officer (CSO)/ Security Office to CWO2 Polkowski at
  5. All civilians in the families who are 18 years or older and do not have a security clearance or a National Agency Check are required to be vetted through Mind Your Business, the third party vendor hired by the Coast Guard Academy for the vetting process.

After you complete your application, please e-mail the Sponsor Family Program Coordinator at In your e-mail, you must include the e-mail address and phone number of every adult living in the home. The Sponsor Family Coordinator will then initiate the background check process and you will receive an email with further instructions.

Important things to note:

There is a Sponsor Family Training that is a one-hour training which we ask sponsors to attend once every four years. This training is designed to give you an overview of the program, what is expected of you as a sponsor, and what you can expect from your cadets. This training will also help familiarize you with the cadet regulations onboard CGA. You will be notified via e-mail once the training is scheduled.

The matching process of swabs to families will occur during July and August. Please bear with us and remain flexible through this process. There will be a meet and greet scheduled on Campus, typically in late August. This will give families an opportunity to formally meet their cadet if they have not already done so. Details on this will also be via email.

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