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Application Advice

Madeline Fender

If I were to give high school applicants advice when applying to the Academy, I would tell them to continue to be highly involved in their high school activities and schoolwork. The Academy is an extremely busy place and everyone has clubs and sports they are involved with, in addition to military and academic obligations. […]

Be a Bear!

Madeline Mee

Firstly, the Coast Guard Academy’s mission resonated with me. As an institution focused on serving the country, the Academy’s focus on leadership, teamwork, and service to others aligns with my values. I wanted to attend a college that not only provides me with an excellent education but also helps me grow as a person and […]

College in Connecticut

Daniel Unangst - 2024

When I applied to the Academy, I knew it was the place for me and would enthusiastically list off the many, many reasons I wanted to attend to anyone who would listen. But I always maintained one exception: New London, CT. Growing up and sailing around Annapolis, it never matched up against the allure of […]

The Wonders of Connecticut Weather

Claire Semerod - 2026

As a Colorado native, everyone could understand why I feared the Connecticut weather. The large increase in humidity and rain fall caused a lot of concern for me. While I feared the Connecticut weather, I have come to love it and here is why. Early morning humidity during swab summer was the most amazing experience, […]

Application Tips

David McCullough

I remember starting my application to the Coast Guard Academy, I didn’t really know where to start and knew I would have to make myself stand out to be considered in a highly competitive school. This is some advice for those of you who are starting your applications and feeling the same as I did […]

The Best Things About Connecticut!

Gustava Drew - 2025

I am from Los Angeles, California, and I knew nothing about Connecticut before coming to the United States Coast Guard Academy. Still, here I am in my second year of USCGA, writing about all the lovely things Connecticut offers. First off, Connecticut has snow, which might be a foreign word for some of you, like […]

Me, an International Cadet

Joshua Orbe

Coming here as an International cadet, I did not know what to expect. I had an idea of what I was getting into from my experiences as a cadet back home, but when I arrived, I was still blown away by how different the whole environment was compared to home. I had grown up imagining […]

Learning to Love Both of Your “Homes”

I just got back from Thanksgiving break at my house in Atlanta, Georgia. My parents, grandparents, and family friends all got together for a delicious dinner. I got to pet my German Shepherd, Eliot, and go for a few runs in my neighborhood. I always love getting to go home! This time was a little […]

A Home Away From Home

Joshua Orbe

By November, I began to really feel the rigors of academics. I started longing for a break and it came with my first ever leave in my cadet career, Thanksgiving leave. I spent my first Thanksgiving at my sponsor family’s house. We ate a lovely meal and watched movies in Mystic where we ran into […]

Advice for Applying, BEST Thing about the Academy

This week I asked the underclassmen in my company to share their best advice while it is fresh on their mind. We’re talking about Swab Summer, tips for the application process, the things they’re most looking forward to and MORE!

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